Thursday, September 8, 2016
Full information about Main Memory
Full information about Main Memory

Hello my dear friends, in the last lesson we explain the CPU components in details .Today we will talk about Main memory .What is the main memory? What are the types of main memory? What is the function of main memory? Lets start our lesson now.
Main Memory
The computer need to retrieve and remember information they handle just as man needs as well, so you must save the information, either temporarily or permanently. Addressing information then stored in a digital image using the binary system, a system of numerical which uses only two digits (0, 1). In our lives we use the decimal system which uses ten numbers (from zero to 9).
Units of measurement memory
Memory capacity is measured in the following four basic units:
Byte: is the amount of memory required to represent a single character bilateral logging, and consists box (byte) of eight digits (bits Bit) any binary number, which can represent the bilateral digits (0, 1).
Kilobyte: KB per kilo bytes = 1024 bytes
Megabyte: Mb (shortcut M or MB) = 1024 KB
Gigabyte: Gigabyte (shortcut G or GB) = 1024 MB
Types of main memory
Main memory is divided into three types:
- RAM :Random Access Memory
- ROM : Read Only Memory
- cache memory
Now we will explain each type in details .Be ready my friends
RAM: Random Access Memory

Receive the data and program memory unit entry as you receive the results from the arithmetic and logic unit and cached it temporarily (where you lose this contained memory once the electrical separation) so called temporary or volatile memory. The more memory capacity increased the amount of data and the size of the programs that can be traded at the same time.

Types of Ram
ROM: Read Only Memory
Contain programs and the basic data needed to run the computer and the data and programs had been registered by the manufacturer. They fixed memory are not affected by the interruption of power supply and called read-only memory that can not be written or amendment or cancellation of their contents by the user, but can only read whats inside
Cache memory
Used in the course of operations which is about a cache of very high speed than the speed of main memory. And used for temporary storage of data and instructions required retrieved many times during the operation of the data which helps speed data processing. The estimated capacity of the cache of about 512 KB or more.
Now we finish our lesson about Ram .I hope all my friends understand this lesson .The next lesson we will talk about storage devices .Thank you
Engineer : Ashraf Mansour
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Computer OutputUnits
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