Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How to use Application Loader Xcode

How to use Application Loader Xcode

How to use Application Loader Xcode

How to use Application Loader Xcode - how to use application loader xcode? is frequently asked question. This excercise is depicts to help you set up your applications available to be purchased in the App Store. You can utilize Application Loader to make an Application Loader bundle containing the In-App Purchase metadata you need to add to your application and to submit your application paired records to the App Store.

Application Loader offers quick transferring, stable associations, and early approval warnings. Verify the status of your application in itunes Connect is "Holding up for Upload" before you utilize Application Loader to submit your paired records to the App Store. For more data about that click here.

You can introduce and run Application Loader on the Mac OS X working framework. To introduce Application Loader on Mac OS X: 

1. Click the Application Loader connect in the itunes Connect landing page. itunesconnect shows the Manage Your Apps module with establishment a ddocumentation downloads. 

How to use Application Loader Xcode
How to use Application Loader Xcode

2. Click the Download Application Loader connection to download the concentrating toward oneself establishment bundle (Applicationloader_2.7.dmg).save this document on your machine. 

3. Twofold click the establishment bundle (Applicationloader.pkg) and take after the guidelines that show up. 

NOTE: When introducing Application Loader on the Mac, before you can introduce the product, you must log into your machine as a part of the chairman bunch. 

4. Perused the establishment presentation, and after that click Continue


How to use Application Loader Xcode
How to use Application Loader Xcode

5. Click Install to perform the standard establishment. The establishment bundle introduces records in your Applications envelope. Sort your chairman watchword and click OK, if provoked.

6. Click Close

Open the Application Loader application by twofold clicking the "Application" symbol in the Applications folder,or the envelope you defined duringa custom introduce. You are presently prepared to start utilizing Application Loader. 

Open the Application Loader application by twofold clicking the "Application" symbol in the/Developer/Applications/Utilities envelope or, to get to Application Loader from the Xcode designer instruments bundle, pick Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader. You are presently prepared to start utilizing Application Loader. 

NOTE: The Xcode engineer apparatuses bundle is a piece of the most recent Software Development Kit (SDK) from Apple. You can download the most recent SDK when you sign into the Apple Dev Center. 

Beginning Application Loader 

Before you can utilize Application Loader to make an Application Loader bundle and to submit your application paired documents to the App Store, you must instate Application Loader by giving your itunes Connect login data at startup. 

1. Twofold click the "Application" symbol in the/Developer/Applications/Utilities organizer or, to get to Application Loader from the Xcode designer apparatuses bundle, pick Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader

2. Perused the Software License Agreement, and afterward click Accept

Application Loader opens the "Welcome to Application Loader" window.
How to use Application Loader Xcode
How to use Application Loader Xcode

3. Sort your itunes Connect login data (Apple ID and secret word) in the "Welcome to Application Loader" window, and after that click Next. 

Application Loader confirms your itunesconnect login data and stores your Apple ID and secret key for future Application Loader operations.initializing Application Loader with your itunes Connect login data is record particular. 

On the off chance that you impart your machine to different clients with distinctive itunesconnect login data, you can each one have your own Apple ID and secret key setting for Application Loader. 

4. Click Done

NOTES: If you change your itunes Connect secret key, you must utilize the "Welcome to Application Loader" window to reset your Apple ID and watchword in Application Loader. To reset your Apple ID and secret key, pick Window -> Sign In As in Application Loader, and after that rehash steps 2 through 4 above. 

The fundamental Application Loader windows contain a dynamic client catch showing the Apple ID for the presently logged in client. Click the catch to show the "Welcome to Application Loader" window to change or upgrade your Apple ID and secret key. 

Submitting Your Application Binary Files 

At the point when the status of your application in itunesconnect is "Sitting tight for Upload", you can utilize Application Loader to submit your paired documents to the App Store. 

To submit your application paired records: 

1. Click Deliver Your App in the "Pick an Activity" window. The "Pick an Activity" window shows up consequently when you openapplication Loader, or you can pick File > New to show the "Pick an Activity" window from inside Application Loader. 

2. Pick the name of your application from the Choose pop-up menu. 
How to use Application Loader Xcode
How to use Application Loader Xcode

Your application shows up in the Choose pop-up menu when the application status in itunes Connect is "Sitting tight for Upload". In the event that you have transferred your metadata and screenshots into itunes Connect yet have not yet transferred your double, or if your application has been rejected, you must click "Prepared to Upload Binary" in itunes Connect before you will have qualified applications to transfer. Clicking "Prepared to Upload Binary" changes your applications status to "Sitting tight for Upload". 

3. Click Next

Application Loader looks for all qualified applications which are prepared to be added to the App Store, and after that shows a window with your application subtle elements, including name, rendition number, SKU number, essential dialect, copyright, sort, and Apple ID. 

4. Click Choose, select your application document, and after that click Open

To supplant the current document before submitting, click Back and after that click Choose again to choose an alternate application record. 

Click Activity to show the Background Activity window and perspective conveyance status data for all bundles you are as of now sending, including pending messages, time staying, cautioning and slip messages, etc. 

5. Click Send

Application Loader starts submitting your application twofold document to the App Store. Click to stop the exchange and keep the window open to choose an alternate document to submit. 

6. Click Done

Utilize the Manage Your Applications page in itunes Connect to view the status of your application

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